Cybernetica AS Department of Navigation Systems

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Multiregional Monitoring and Control System E001

We regret to inform you that this product is DISCONTINUED; please find our current products here

The purpose of the  E001 is to monitor and control a large number (hundreds) of lights distributed over a wide territory. For implementing of  the system, the whole territory should be  divided into several regions each of which should have its own monitoring and control centre. Dividing the territory into the regions should be done not arbitrarily but having  in mind the regions around of the existing service centres, where the servicing people are located.

For the monitoring and control of the lights there will be  Monitoring and Control Centres (Regional Centres) consisting of a computer, telecommunication modems and, of communication, monitoring and control software and databases. All lights of a region will be connected with the corresponding Regional Centre via communication channels.

The structure and main features of the system

Main Control Centre
  • giving warning and other messages to  the vessels and VTS
  • holding the Register of all Aids to Navigation
  • communication with the regional centres
Regional Centres
  • monitoring and control of Aids to Navigation of a region
  • commmunication with the Main Control Centre
  • local automatic control of all functions of a light 
  • giving warning and emergency messages to the Regional Centre
  • reception of commands from the Regional Centre

If you need more information, including the information on prices and availability of our products, please do not hesitate to contact our marketing group. We may be able to offer product customization and design services to accommodate your unique requirements.

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© 2002 Cybernetica. Last updated 2011-03-01